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Join the Party: Free Yoga for Moms to Celebrate!

On Monday, August 5th, my husband will have his last clinical rotation, and officially be a graduate of his nurse anesthesia program.  


My husband has been in this program for the last three years, and I’ll be honest… It's been tough.  I’ve had to step up as the primary caregiver for our two boys, and the breadwinner.  We’re 14 days from the finish line.  I’ve been counting down since May… that’s how excited and relieved I am.   


To celebrate, I am offering a FREE 60-minute Yoga for Moms class live, online.  This class is for any mom who has given birth or added a baby to their family within the last 5 years.  Pregnant mamas - you are welcome to join us, too!


This class will start with a 15-20 minute community check-in, where you can share with me anything going on in your body, and vent about any struggles, or celebrate any joys you are experiencing.


Check-in will be followed with a 40-minute yoga class where you’ll:


✨Release “mommy tension” (neck, shoulders, upper back).


✨Strengthen and “de-mush” your abs and glutes.


✨Soothe your lower back


✨Deeply relax and rejuvenate.


The class will begin at 2:30pm EST, and last for one hour.  If you can’t make it live, a recording of the yoga practice will be sent out to anyone who has signed up.  Don’t worry- check in will not be recorded.


Click here to save your spot.  Let’s celebrate surviving the last three years together!




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